11:14 PM

Hey guys ! Hope You have a wonderful time in our last service in

Now let me start for the Announcement of the week !

Pastor Kong is going to give our church a church wide study
From ...

From this coming Saturday onwards we will be going back to our main church !

Our Zone will be attending the 5.30pm service in jurong together!
isnt it exciting!


we are going to move to SUNTEC CONVENTION CENTRE in about ...

19 days !

and that all for the announcements see you guys soon !


8:02 PM

Hope you guys have enjoy Chinese new year ~
And hope you all have gotten a lot a lot of red packets ...

This weekend we will have our valentine day service with .

Pastor Paul Scanlon
and featuring our CHC drama team
So do invite all of your friends to the service and i bet they will
have the time of their life
so see you guys there ~ =D

Annoucements !

3:37 PM

Notices to all !

11:55 PM

Today is our camera/ army boy big day ! can u guess who is it ? hahha is ah boon ! send him ur wishes now =D filled him with all of our love !

Annoucement !

12:31 AM

Guess what ! this coming saturday we will be having our service with Pastor Mike Kelsey !
Lets all invited our friends to join us in service together . I'm sure that we are going to be blessed by the word . So remember to come for service with an excited mood ! =D


3:46 PM




2:08 PM

Today .... The time that all have been waiting for .... It's the ....
Birthday of our own micheal jackson .....


HAPPY 18 Birthday =D

Upcoming event !

3:00 PM

And do take note that ,

Summary !

12:52 PM

Summary !!!

Pastor Derek .
title : ----

1) We can strengthen our self in the lord in prayer .
2) We can strengthen our self in the lord through the word .
3) We receive revelation , encourage and strengthen from the lord .

HAPPY Bday !

1:15 PM

Happy bday to our bubbly .....ALVIN!

You ar the funniest and cheerful brother !!!
Stay bubbly always !!!
God Bless you !!!

Pictures !!! =D

10:54 PM

Photo session and fellowship at changi wif N410 !! =D

In the Bus =D haha

Cheese !!! =D

One big Family =D

9:50 PM

Summary !!!

Title: Spiritual atmosphere

1) If all of us come together in positive and godly agreement = Power agreement .
2)The kind of atmosphere we build is = what we focus on

A) Decision to praise
B) Decision of prayer

Pastor Kong
Title : Jesus healing

This sermon start with Acts 10:38 . Than the story when to the book of Matt 4 :23 -25 .
Than Jesus never stop here he brought all the multitudes that he healed to the mountain saying in Matt 5 : 1-3 .
Than he when down the mountain and healed a Leper saying in Matt 8: 1-4 .
Than Jesus enter Capernaum , And a centurion come begging him to heal his servant saying in Matt 8:5-13 . He didn't stop here he continue to when to simon peter house to heal his mother in law saying in Matt 8:14-15 . After many hear about this many come fore and jesus healed them saying in Matt 8 : 16 -18
Jesus when up the boat and he fall deep a sleep aft a day of Healing . suddenly his disciples shouted him and called him to wake up . saying in matt 8 :23 -27
Soon it was morning and jesus did not have the chance to rest . when reach country of the Gergesenes 2 demon possessed man coming out of the tomb and was exceedingly fierce saying in matt 8:28-32 . Jesus continue his journey , people heard about the 2 demon possessed man and they came out to beg jesus to go back saying matt 8:33-34.
He when to the boat and when back . Jesus was brought to a paralytic and he forgive his sin and healed him saying in matt 9:1-8 . Than he did to take a break than a ruler came and worship him and say that ask Jesus to heal his daughter . And he did saying in Matt 8 :18-19
When they was on the way a women have a flow of blood for twelve year touched jesus garment and she was healed saying in matt 9 : 20-22 . And they have reach the place , many say that the daughter can't be heal but jesus held the girl in his hand the girl rose again saying in matt 9:23-25 . They leave that place and 2 blinded man followed him and crying out asking Jesus to healed them saying in Matt 9:27-31. After that a demon possessed mute man was brought to him and the demon cast out and the mute speak saying in matt 9:32-33 . Jesus continue to bring healing to all the cities and villages, teaching them , healing them saying in matt 9 : 35 . continue to matt9:36-38 . Than Jesus called out to his twelve disciples and teaches them to heal , cast out demon saying in matt 10:1 .

Sentosa outing !! :D

12:49 PM

Game Time !!! =D


12:15 AM


3:35 PM

Summary ~!

title : Dealing with offences the bible way !

How to Deal the offence with love ? ( 3 ways )

1) Have the right attitude .
2) Approach conflict with humilty .
3) Have the right approach .

4 step on how to approach .

1) Have a private conversation with the person involved .
guideness lines for private conversation !
- Start soon
- meet face to face
- Affirm the relationship
- Make observation not accusation
- Get the facts
- Promote resolution
2) Take witnesses with you
3) Take it to the church leadership
4) If all else fails , break off the relationship

Pastor kong
Mother's day

Honor means to "give signficent to"

Gift to give your mother on mother's day !

1) The gift of acceptance .
2) The gift of appreciation .
3) The gift of affirmation .
- show her respect
- encourage her
- Listening to their advice

11:27 PM


Title : Hearing From God

1) Believe that their is a god who live
2) Believe that god can communicate with people
3) Believe that god will speak to all who seek him
*4) Recognise god voice

How holy spirit relate and lead us ?
- He quietly impresses
- He prom gently
- He remind us of the word of god

Pastor kong
Title : --

1) Exhuastion can cause Depression
2) Trauma can cause Depression
3) Ungratefullness can cause Depression

3thing that god want to do for you ?
1) God Have a refreshing for you .
2) God have encounter for you
3) God have the word for you

2:03 PM

We will be moving back to HALL 8
don't go to the wrong hall from this coming weekend onwards !
See ya guys there ! =D

Banana Dance !!!

11:30 PM

11:13 PM

Summary !

Title : Testing of faith

1) Trail and testing mature of our faith .
2) Trail and testing develop patient .
Faith + Patient = Power
How do you prevent yourself for being tempted ?
1) Temptation is common to men .
2) God is faithful you will not fare anything you cannot overcome .
3) God ALWAYS provide the way of escape .
4) Avoiding temptation is to summit yourself to god .
Pastor Kim sung - Hae
Title : ---
1) God dislike when we stop trying
- God hate laziness
-- God want you to use your talents
--- You must work hard for the route
2) God dislike regret
3) God dislike waste
4) God dislike ungratefullness

Birthday boii !!!

11:33 AM

Happy 18Th Bday to our handsome guitarist !!!!


You ar such a wonderful brother!!!
May god bless you always!!!

Cellgroup Leader : Jasmine
City Harvest Church

Ah boon, Alvin , Bryan , Dennis, Joel, Linus, Rayner, Lester, Rovson, Yonghe, Yongzhou, Dicky , firdaus

Alicia, Angela, Andrea, Bronnie, Chloe, Vanessa, Crystal, Eastella, Jinghui , Dionis , Lorraine, Siyi , Wanying, Winnie Yuanting , Limei , Xinni


Janaury !
09 - Xin Ni
26 - Jasmine

February !
01 - Limei
March !
07 - Dicky

April !
07 - Lorraine
14 - Eastella
15 - Jinghui
22 - Winnie
24 - Rovson

May !
23 - Chloe

24 - Firdaus

June !
03 - Alvin

July !
10 - Bryan
26 - Vanessa

29 - Crystal

August !
03 - Linus
14 - Yuanting
26 - Dennis
27 - Angele
29 - Yonghe

September !
30 - Angela

October !
14 - Alicia

November !
09 - Andrea

18 - Bronnie

December !
05 - Wanying
21 - Siyi
23 - Renald
31 - Rayner & Joel

Verse of the day !

write your opinion and views!
